“Ritmi i kalërimit: Një udhëtim drejt ekspertize kuajsh në Shqipëri”
Mirësevini në aventurën më emocionuese dhe gjithëpërfshirëse me kuaj në jetën tuaj! Përgatituni të niseni në një udhëtim një javor të mbushur me një shumllojshmëri aktivitetesh si kalërimi, eksplorime kulturale, dhe kulinari të shijshme.
* Të gjitha vaktet dhe akomodimi përveç transportit gjatë kohës së qëndrimit, pijeve ekstra dhe biletave të hyrjeve në muzeume, sajteve kulturore, galeritë e artit ose aktivitete (opsionale) që janë përmendur më poshtë me kosto ekstra etj.
*Ju lutem, vini re se transporti në do vendndodhje mund të rregulohet me një kosto shtesë, duke siguruar komfortin dhe besimin përmes aventurës.
Gjithashtu nëse pjesmarrësit do të kërkojnë të akomodohen në pjesën historike të qytetit në vend të fermës në fshat, kjo është e mundur me një kosto prej 212 eurosh. Vaktet gjithashtu do të shërbehen në qytet.
Minimumi i grupit: 2 kalorës
Maksimumi i grupit: 8 kalorës
Limiti i peshës së lejuar: 90 kg
Ne kemi një limit peshe prej jo më shumë se 90 kg për pjesëmarrësit në aktivitetet tona të kalërimit, duke patur parasysh raportet peshë – gjatësi. Kjo është pë arsye se pesha ndikon direktnë sigurinë dhe komfortin e pjesëmarrësve kuajve dhe mjeteve të tjera të nevojshme gjatë turit. Gjithashtu, ne kemi të drejtën që të refuzojmë pjesëmarrjen e individëve, të cilët nuk janë në përputhshmëri me raportet e peshë – gjatësisë, për të siguruar mbarëvajtjen sa më të mirë dhe argëtuese të pjesmarrësve të tjerë.
Niveli i kërkuar i eksperiencës së kalërimit: Pa eksperiencë ose fillestarë. Ky program nuk është i përshtatshëm për kalorësit e një niveli të avancuar.
2025: 18.01 -25.01 / 15.02 -22.02 / 08.03 – 15.03 / 05.04 – 12.04 / 05.07 – 12.07 / 02.08 – 09.08 / 04.10 – 11.10 / 01.11 – 08.11 / 13.12 -20.12 /
Single Supplement:
The single supplement for a single room is 20 Euros per night, payable here.
Small Group Supplement:
The small group supplement is applicable if only 1 participant did book onto the program.
If, at the time of departure, more than 1 client is booked, the small group supplement will be refunded.
The small group supplement is 132 Euros per person.
We still strongly advise consulting with your General Practitioner before traveling in 2024. It is important to seek their medical advice regarding any necessary immunizations or health precautions based on your individual medical history. Recommendations for travel health and safety can vary depending on various factors, such as destination, current health conditions, and other potential risks.
While the information regarding COVID-19 may be different in 2024, it is still prudent to consult with your doctor before your trip to ensure you are in good health and ready for travel. Keep in mind that travel policies and guidelines, including those related to COVID-19, can change over time. Staying informed about the current situation and any specific requirements for traveling to your chosen destination is important. It is recommended to consult official sources, such as government health agencies or reputable travel advisories, for the most up-to-date information.
Please remember to prioritize your health and well-being during your travels, even if the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer ongoing. Your General Practitioner will be able to provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip.
Shëndeti (Veçanërisht për kalërimin)
Ju lutemi të pajiseni me krem mbrojtës ndaj diellit dhe mjekime anti-alergjike për raste specifike ose pickime nga insektet që mund t’ju shkaktojnë alergji.
Kamera dhe pajisje të tjera filmimi
Aksesimi i internetit do të jetë i vështirë gjatë udhëtimit me kuaj. Pjesëmarrësit mund të pajisen me një kartë SIM shqiptare për afërsisht €13 dhe mund të kenë internet falas dhe rreth 30 minuta për të folur me shumicën e vendeve të tjera Europjane.
Aksesi në rrymë elektrike është i mundur gjatë mbrëmjeve, ku e gjithë zona është e mbuluar mjaft mirë.
Lista e paketimeve dhe valixheve
Kapele kalërimi
Bluzë me mëngë të gjata (nuk rekomandohen veshje me të shtrenjta ose ato të preferuara)
Xhaketë e ngrohtë
Pantallona kalërimi dhe çizme
Këpucë të mira mali me gomë mbështetëse rezistente (jo shumë e trashë)
Shmangni këpucët me gomë të butë dhe të rëshqitshme
Veshje të jashtme:
Xhaketë mushamaje për shiun
Veshje për të notuar:
Rroba plazhi
Veshje për mbrëmjet:
Rroba të zakonshme
Masa mbrojtëse:
Krem kundër dielit
Syze dielli
Suplemente mjekësore:
Mjekime anti-alergjike për pickime nga insektet
Dritë nate, prozhektor dore për të ecur dhe për të ushqyer kuajt në mbrëmje
Kamera e vogël (Shmangni kamerat e mëdha profesionale)
Kopje e pasaportës
Çanta dore dhe mesi:
Çantat personale janë të mirseardhura.
Mund t’i merrni për ushqim dhe ujë.
Travel Summary:
Meeting Points:
Arrival: Tirana Airport (TIA) or Saranda Port
Departure: Saranda (CFU) – Take a flight to Corfu and then a boat to Saranda
Transfer Options:
Tirana Airport to Gjirokastra (Round trip):
Cost: €90 per person (€45 one way)
Distance: 225 km
Duration: 3 hours
Scheduled transfers every Saturday at 12:30 pm and 14:30 pm
Recommended arrival time for flights: No later than 14:30 pm
Recommended departure time for flights: Not earlier than 12:00 pm (midday)
Riders arriving in Tirana one day in advance should plan their arrival for the 12:00 pm or 14:30 pm transfer
Transfers from Tirana can’t be organized, but it’s easy and affordable to reach Tirana Airport by bus. Buses run every hour from the center of Tirana (behind the opera palace).
Private transfer to/from Tirana:
1 person: €140 (one way)
2 persons: €70 each (one way)
3 persons or more: €55 each (one way)
Note: Private transfers can be booked if it’s not possible to schedule flights that align with the normal transfer schedule.
Saranda Port to Gjirokastra (Round trip):
Cost: €50 per person (round trip)
Distance: 60 km
Duration: 1 hour
Transfers can be organized based on the ferries’ timetable for 2024, typically with one morning and one afternoon option.
Assisting the Riding Center: Since Albania lacks equestrian shops, procuring necessary horse equipment from the local market becomes a significant challenge for us. If it’s feasible for you, we kindly request your assistance in bringing along any spare or unused items such as old pads, halters, ropes, girths, bridles, or any other equipment that you no longer use. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated by our center.
Upon your arrival, be greeted with warm hospitality as you settle into your accommodation. Take a moment to relax and soak in the serene atmosphere of the picturesque village of Asim Zeneli.
Introduction to Horse Riding Evening: Enjoy a traditional dinner at a local restaurant in the city of Gjirokastër, soaking in the rich flavors of Albanian cuisine and immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere.
Participants will familiarize themselves with horses and receive lessons in ground handling, including exercises on maintaining safe distances, grooming, harnessing, feeding, and understanding equine behavior.
Lunch will be served in a city or village restaurant, depending on the chosen midday experience. Afternoon Session: The afternoon session will focus on basic riding positions, balance exercises in the arena, and overall skill reinforcement.
Evening: Participants can opt for a rural village experience or spend time with family on the veranda. Friends are welcome to join cooking sessions and assist with other tasks. An optional visit to the horse stables is available if willing to walk 15 minutes one way to the stables.
Begin with independent horse preparation followed by a nature ride test to assess skills acquired during the morning session.
Lunch will be decided based on participant preferences and the intensity of riding lessons.
Afternoon: The afternoon session will include basic knowledge tests on the track and guided horseback riding in nature, focusing on safety measures, risk management, and using reins in outdoor settings.
Revisit all lessons learned so far and prepare for trotting on the track. Morning concentration will be paramount as participants practice trotting techniques in the arena and apply them briefly in outdoor settings. Lunch options will be chosen based on participants’ preferences and the selected experience.
Afternoon: After lunch, there will be further trotting practice on the track, horse leading downhill followed by a session on uphill riding positions.
It’s a day you’ve been eagerly awaiting, a chance to put your skills to the test in the rugged beauty of Albania’s countryside.
The day kicks off with the familiar routine of preparing the horses.
Now, it’s time for the real challenge—a trek to Cini Lake .
With the horses saddled and ready, riders take a moment to mentally review the lessons of the past days. Mounting your steeds, you set off for the morning session—a series of advanced trotting exercises designed to push your limits.
Throughout the ride in nature through hills, valleys and pastoral life the instructors provide guidance and feedback, fine-tuning techniques and addressing any lingering questions. Riding in pairs fosters camaraderie and teamwork, reinforcing the bond between rider and horse.
It’s a journey that will test your mettle, but also a chance to forge memories that will last for long.
After accommodating the horses back in stable lunch will continue and also free afternoon and evening for different activities. Dinner again with the host family. Round 4-5 hours
The morning will focus on intensive trotting sessions on the track, as well as engaging in various horse games. Participants will practice riding in pairs, maintaining safe distances, and applying technical elements of trail discipline.
Afternoon: Participants will continue with trotting and horse games in the afternoon, with additional testing of trotting and short canter fragments for balance assessment. The afternoon the session will be out in nature going through the very diverse landscape of Gjinofshat hills possible to test all the lessons so far.
Optional activities during break times may include relaxation, stable work, or village exploration.
This last day is the culmination of a week-long journey, a day awaited with equal parts excitement and trepidation.
The morning unfolds with purpose as riders gather in the arena, their steeds poised and ready for the ultimate challenge. You embark on a comprehensive skills test—a culmination of all you’ve learned throughout your equestrian odyssey.
Under the guidance of experienced instructors, participants navigate through a series of exercises, each one designed to assess their proficiency in the saddle. From precision maneuvers to fluid transitions, every aspect of your riding ability is put to the test.
You will mount your trusty companions once more, ready to embark on the final leg of the journey—a scenic trek to Qestorati Lake. Along the way, you’ll pass by the imposing castle of Santa Triada, its ancient walls standing as a silent testament to the region’s storied past.
The journey will also take you through the charming village of Dhoksat, where time seems to stand still amidst cobblestone streets and rustic buildings.
And so, as you set off into the unknown, guided by the gentle rhythm of hoofbeats and the whisper of the wind, you carry with you the memories of a week filled with laughter, learning, and the timeless bond between horse and rider the foundation of a new passion. Round 4-5 hours
Afternoon: After lunch, participants can enjoy free time or engage in optional activities. The day will conclude with a group dinner at a local restaurant in the historic city center.
After a rural breakfast at the guest house, being also the last moments of this equestrian experience, you will be transferred to the airport.
Opsionale Aktivitete me kosto ekstra dhe që paguhen në vend:
Mësime drugdhëndjeje > 36 Euro për person
Klasë gatimi > 53 Euro për person
Ture me makina bagi > 40 Euro për person
Turi i Luftës së ftohtë > 55 Euro për person (Përfshihen biletat në tre muzetë që do të vizitohen)
Hajking tur > nga 48 > 64 Euro për person, varet nga itenerari i zgjedhur
Mësime qëndisjeje > duke filluar nga 25 Euro për person
Veshje me kostume tradicionale të Gjirokastrës > duke filluar nga 15 Euro për person
Aktiviteti “Si të bëjmë akullore” – duke filluar nga 13 Euro për person
Aktivitete në fermë – duke filluar nga 34 Euro për person
Akomodimi dhe vaktet nga darka në ditën e parë deri në mëngjesin e ditë së tetë dhe të fundit
Instruksione edhe në anglisht
Instruktor i dytë (nëse janë më shumë se 3 pjesëmarrës)
Uji dhe pijet gjatë vakteve
Transporti vajtje-ardhje nga ferma në vendet e drekimit/darkimit.
The first meal provided is dinner on the day of arrival, and the last meal is breakfast on the final morning.
Not included:
Flights, entrance tickets to monuments or parks, lunch on day 1, extra drinks, and other transports, services or expenses during free time are not included.
*Please note that transportation to other locations can be arranged at an additional cost, ensuring your comfort and convenience throughout the adventure.